
September 2021 updates

September 17, 2021
Updates from the Human Research Protection Program The following notice provides updates regarding a new resource for writing exemplary IRB applications, consenting non-English speakers, electronic research signatures, and CITI training courses. New Resource: iRIS Application Samples

Updated IRB Review Fees Effective July 1st

July 08, 2021
What is Happening? IRB review fees are being increased on July 1st, 2021. This applies to studies that are industry-sponsored and studies from UCSF-affiliated entities. Why Must Fees Be Increased at This Time?

ACTION NEEDED: Affiliates with Access Requested Through the IRB

June 07, 2021
In August 2019, the UCSF IRB started transferring responsibility for request and maintenance of affiliate access to UCSF networks and applications back to the PI’s department. This change was made to enhance campus network security, ensure that people for whom affiliate access is being requested...

April 2021 Updated Electronic Consent Guidance & Memo for Sponsors

June 07, 2021
This is a follow up to the HRPP Bulletin sent on September 29, 2020. 

Updated Guidance re: Surrogate Certification for Research

June 07, 2021
Background: What Is a Surrogate?

Updated Guidance and Letter to Investigators Regarding IRB Reporting Requirements for Protocol Deviations During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency

February 16, 2021
The Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) has updated the May 8, 2020 memo detailing IRB reporting requirements for protocol deviations made in response to COVID-19 and for adherence to the Office of Research Guidance for Onsite Clinical Research Activities.

Information Sheet and Consent Form Addendums for COVID-19 Screening and Testing Procedures

December 11, 2020
New! Information Sheet and Consent Form Addendums for COVID-19 Screening and Testing Procedures The HRPP has created the following documents for research participants attending onsite study visits during the COVID-19 public health emergency:

Updated Electronic Consent Guidance & Memo for Sponsors

September 29, 2020
This is a follow-up to the HRPP Bulletin sent on May 28, 2020.

Changes to Timeline for Post-Approval Reporting Requirements

June 01, 2020
Timeline and Definition Changes for Internal (on-site) adverse events Must be submitted within 5-working days of UCSF PI awareness Includes death These changes are being implemented to meet federal guidelines of reporting to the IRB.   External (off-site) adverse events and protocol...

Electronic Consent: Website Guidance & Memo for Sponsors

May 28, 2020
Electronic Consent: Website Guidance & Memo for Sponsors The UCSF Human Research Protection Program and Office of Research leadership have developed guidance on using DocuSign and REDCap to obtain electronic signatures for research consent and HIPAA authorization during the COVID-19 public...
