Protocol Builder Pro Discontinuation (April 2019)


Human Research Protection Program

February 11, 2019
To: Investigators and Staff

Discontinuation of Protocol Builder Pro

Two years ago, UCSF offered an additional resource for investigator for protocol development, the Protocol Builder Pro online system. Investigators have long had their own templates or used the NIH template. Very few protocols created with Protocol Builder Pro have been submitted to the IRB. For these reasons, UCSF will no longer provide Protocol Builder Pro (PBP) as a resource for the development of new protocols as of April 1, 2019.

If you have created materials within PBP that you would like to save for your records, we encourage you to download and save them prior to April 1. Please visit the help section of PBP for any technical questions.

If you have created an account on PBP, please note that the IRB will not retain copies of any protocols you may have created or started on PBP. As always, you can access protocol templates through the HUB.

Please feel free to contact Taylar Hagan or Ami Patel with any additional questions you may have regarding the discontinuation of PBP.