Education & Training

Education Opportunities

Explore our Education Opportunities page for information on upcoming classes and access to materials from previous sessions.

CITI Training

All Key Personnel at UCSF or affiliated sites involved in Human Subjects Research are required to complete CITI training in human subjects protection (HSP). This requirement applies to Key Study Personnel on Exempt, Expedited, and Full Board studies. To check your CITI training status and for detailed instructions on completing or updating your training, please refer to the following lists:

Human Subjects Protection (HSP)


Good Clinical Practice (GCP)

In-service Education Training

Need a department-specific training session? In-Service education ensures that everyone receives consistent information on key topics. To request a session, please complete the Request for In-Service Training form.

IRB Research Tools and Checklists

These tools and checklists are designed to support compliance and streamline study processes:

Submission and Reporting:


Quality and Compliance Documentation:


Past Classes and Slides

Currently Unavailable: 

  • IRB Introductory Training Archived Webinar/Slides
  • Preparing a New IRB Application

Note: The IRB was formerly known as the Committee on Human Research (CHR), which is the term used in some of these presentations.

Other Education Resources


Other Groups or Institutions

Federal Government

National Conferences and Workshops


Last updated: December 2, 2024